2. Deep Tissue Massage (Athletic Massage) You don’t need to be an athlete to have an athletic massage.
The aim of a deep tissue massage is to prevent muscle trauma, especially when exercising on a daily basis, this is why this sort of massage is advised to be done on a regular basis.
Frequent massage will help keep your muscles in a healthy condition and also improve their flexibility.
You don’t need to be an athlete to have this massage. We recommend it to all individuals who live an active daily life. Especially tourists who are always on the go.
This massage helps relieve pain but also prevent muscle injuries. It helps relieve stress and tension which is formed in body tissue during physical exercise and daily activity.
Our therapists apply a range of techniques which massage deep muscle tissue layers encouraging blood and lymph flow throughout the body alleviating pain but also stress. Book your deep tissue massage and rejuvenate your physical condition.
Ask your hotel receptionist to book your appointment or book through chat.